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How knows anything about HiCad in comparison to PTC CREO?


New member
I need some help getting information. I work for a manufacturer which makes heat exchangers and pressure vessels. We have 2 CAD systems; AutoCad Mechanical 2013 and Pro-E wildfire 4. Some half a year ago the only remaining Pro-E user left the company. What remaines is a paramatric library of part which we use. My other 2 colleagues do not like to work with Pro-E. The like AutoCad better. They rather sticked with AutoCad 14 ( not 2014)!
We want to get 3D back and some are looking at HiCad because it uses 2D and 3D all together. I prefer to go for PTC CREO 3.0. I was told Pro-E/ CREO is a very stable system. and we already have an enourmous library of part. Our Pro-E model contians about 500 to 10.000 circular parts and other radius. Can someone share his/ her experience with heat exchanger models or does anyone knows HiCad? Preferably in comparison with PTC CREO? Please give me something to work with. Thank you.
How knows anything about HiCad in comparison to PTC CREO

Gary , Your timing was your accounting friend I lost about 38 last year.I am too young to get out. Please let me know next time you get that feeling again Wes

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