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how to do multi section surface/solid without curving the edges


New member
i want to do a multi section between two section(a circle and rectangle) with two guides(a line at top and a curve in bottom) after doing this edges on the right and left became curved instead of going straight.(without guides it is fine and straight)

how can i solve this problem?


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( "curing" - ? did you mean "curving" )

The shape of the surface is determined by the shape of the guide curves. If you want it straight, then use a straight line for the guide.


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I've done a lot of transition surfaces like this. A couple things when using the Multi-Section Surface tool:

1. When one section is a shape with corners (triangle, rectangle, hex), I like to project the corner points onto the other section curve, and then use these as "closing points"

2. When selecting the section curves, make sure the closing points are aligned

3. When selecting the section curves, make sure all the direction arrows are in the same direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise)

4. If imposing tangency on the sections, it's often best to let CATIA figure out the shape, and not use Guides
( "curing" - ? did you mean "curving" )

The shape of the surface is determined by the shape of the guide curves. If you want it straight, then use a straight line for the guide.
my part is curved at top ,angled at bottom and straight at right and left
so i have no choice but to add guides at top and bottom
solidworks do this with ease(just two guides) but catia giving me hard time


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I'm not that familiar with how SolildWorks does surfaces.

I get a pretty good surface with CATIA very easily, by just using a few inputs: the two sections and a closing point (starting point in lower-left corner).

Given these minimum inputs, CATIA makes a smooth surface that is ruled (straight) between the two sections.


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my part is curved at top ,angled at bottom and straight at right and left
so i have no choice but to add guides at top and bottom

To add the curvature at the top requires a Guide Curve to define the S-shape. But that made my surface curved all around the 4 sides, so I added some straight lines for additional Guides. (I colored all the guides green, so they would stand out.)

This is typical of freeform surface modeling: start with a simple shape, and then adjust and adjust and adjust some more until you get the surface you want!


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To add the curvature at the top requires a Guide Curve to define the S-shape. But that made my surface curved all around the 4 sides, so I added some straight lines for additional Guides. (I colored all the guides green, so they would stand out.)

This is typical of freeform surface modeling: start with a simple shape, and then adjust and adjust and adjust some more until you get the surface you want!
very nice
can you share the cad file?

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