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Large Assemblies



Our company is evaluating 3D_CAD Software for machine design, and I'd like to get a feel for the size of model (number of parts) that people are building with SE.
The main question is:
In the models you are currently building, how many parts do you have? If you like to type, some other questions are:
For large assemblies, what kind of performance do you get with rebuilds, saves, editing of parts, etc?
I currently work with 162 parts (most of them are sheet metal parts), and I experience some lags, but no hang ons. Its essential, that you use simplified parts to get things run smoothly. I have spoke with some people, that are using over 700 parts within one assembly without problems. My configuration is AMD Athlon 800 MHz, 512 Mb RAM, 40 Gb HD, And ASUS 6600 Graphics card. I noticed no problems SAVING and REBUILDING OR editing parts within large assemblies.
Hi Aricin,

Solid Edge have no problems handling assemblies up to 100,000 parts. This is made possible because SE embraces the lightweight technology, to effectively and efficiently manage huge assemblies.

When opening a huge assembly in SE, you can explicitly choose to load selected parts in lightweight format thus enabling you to open the assembly much faster and moving around the graphics area smoother. In any time, you're able to load selected parts for editing without compromising the performance. However, performance varies from user to user under different hardware specifications. Let me know if you require any system certifications.

Solid Edge is an ideal 3D CAD for machine builders.


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