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License changes



Hi there

We are an high school, we use catia V15 and we have a "little" problem:
We add to change the network adapter on our license server so the mac address has changed. This way our Catia licenses aren't valid anymore.
We asked to the DS support for new licenses, as we don't pay for support (it's too expensive for us) it has been quite difficult to obtain new licenses but they finished by sending some new ones.
Now we want to register these new licenses and it is impossible:
When we run the Basic License Tool (v4.6.7) to enroll our new licenses we obtain an error "CLN-83: (LS) Incorrect target in password".
We asked again the support for help and this time it was definitely "NO!", they want us to pay about 600$ for help and we can't.
Who can help us? It's urgent: our students have their exam in a few weeks and need to work on their files.
Thanks in advance for your help

Help Desk Response

Hello lecorbusier,

We'll see if we can dig up an answer for you. Can't promise you anything but we'll try.

Thanks for joining our forums.
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
Working on it..

Hello lecorbusier,

Because of the urgency of your request, we just sent an email to our over 1,600 CATIA members asking them to repond if any of them have CATIA license troubleshooting experience. We hope you get an answer that will fix your problem in time.

We'll keep working on it.

Thanks again.
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
Thanks for your help.
Today is off in France (end of ww2 in Europe), I'll check Belvedere's infos tomorrow.
I'll let you know the results.
Thanks again for your help

Best regards

It's not our policy. We do not want to use illegal products, we are an educational organization and we have to show what is right and what is not.
Thanks for the advice anyway

Belvedere's resource

The belvedrere's resource couldn't help us, it's a description of the licenses contents.
I could notice the following:
In our old licenses a part of the mac address was included in the license file (targetId field).
When we asked for new licenses the Catia support asked us to create an id using i4target -O, we did it and obtained an 8 digits number which is NOT a part of the network adapter mac address. I think that THIS IS the reason for our problem.
I tried the following:
i4target -z and I obtained TWO SID network adapter (the 2 sids are the same and i've only ONE adapter on the license server!).
i4target -d {here-is-the-sid-number-obtained-with-i4target-z} and obtained a strange mac address: the real one but the letters "cf" were added at the beginning of the mac address.
That's where we are


I correct what I wrote above:

The real mac address of the lum server is 00-02-55-07-7c-33
The number obtained with the command line
i4target -d {here-is-the-sid-number-obtained-with-i4target-z} is
is cf-0a-00-1a-57-07-7c-33
so the number obtained with the command line i4target -O is 57-07-7c-33
Notice the difference between the targetID and the end of the mac address:
57 in place of 55
That's where the problem comes from, but we still don't know how to solve it.


Phil (or lecorbusier: it's the same, I'm Phil and lecorbusier is the high school)
Does this help?

Hello Phil,

We received this comment from one of our Catia users. See if it help and let us know. We will be taking additional steps as well.

LUM and VMware


Error message "CLN-83: Incorrect target in password" is received when importing CATIA licenses using the Basic License Tool from LUM 4.6.8 on a Windows system.


A win32 targetid has been used to compute the CATIA licenses, instead of the win32mac targetid that LUM requires in a Windows environment.


The LUM command i4target -v shows that a win32mac targetid cannot be obtained from this particular system, because this system has been configured using VMware (third party) software, which allows for virtualization of TCP/IP networks.

A win32mac targetid is derived from a permanent hardware source; this is not possible on a VMware virtual system, which makes use of a VMware PCI Ethernet Adapter.

A Windows system with VMware installed cannot be configured as a LUM license server on LUM 4.6.7 and higher. This is by design, for security reasons, because the targetid from a virtual machine is not unique.

A client machine running VMware should be able to acquire concurrent licenses that have been installed on a non-virtual LUM license server.

I hope this information helps.

Daniel Bertrand

3DCADTips Help Desk:cool:
Input from COE forum

I took the liberty of posting your problem on the COE forum. I will relay their comments here.

Posts: 56
Joined: Jun 2004
Tue May 09, 2006 12:33 PM (NEW!)

I'm pretty sure that when we order licences from IBM, they ask
us the server target id. When DS sent some licences, did they
ask for a target id ??

Posts: 149
Joined: Mar 2005
Tue May 09, 2006 12:43 PM (NEW!)

Run the command i4target on your server, you should get a hexidecimal # XXXXXXXX. Check this target ID against your Licenses by opening up the license in Wordpad. They should match. If they do not match verbatim, you will have to order new licenses from DS. Also, this happened to me once. I bridged my netwark adapters together, that worked. another thing, you can manually install your licenses by copying/pasting the info from the license certificate right into LUM. Be careful, copy your licenses into another directory for safekeeping.
Sheila and support

Thanks a lot for your help.
We are not running our license server on a virtual machine (it's a real one, I can touch it :) ).
Tomorrow morning (it's the evening now here!) I'll try Mark's hint: change the targetID in the license files, if it works it's great but I fear it won't because of the checksum field.
We are currently hardly negociating with DS support to obtain good license numbers as the number given by i4target seems to be wrong.
My buddy also told me that this number isn't the same now than it was when he ran i4target a few days ago and from which he hardly obtained the licenses, computing has sometimes a kind of magic no?
Anyway we think that DS support isn't very fair as they don't want to furbish new licenses for a product we bought and it was quite expensive.

Thanks again to all for your help, I'll let you know the continuation of our adventures in Catia's magic country.

Another comment from COE

Posts: 5
Joined: Apr 2006
Tue May 09, 2006 2:12 PM (NEW!)

The target often changes if you modify/add your network adapter. Usually it is possible to switch to your original target, using i4target commands or modifying registry.

If DS sent to you new licences, you have to check your new target (in Basic license tool, search for 'Active license server) and also check the license target (open the .lic file with notepad). if they are different, ask for new licenses.

Note that in Europe you can directly call/email IBM for changing your target. You just need the phone number, your IBM customer number, and the old/new targets. You don't need DS for that. In other countries I don't know.

Have you contacted your VAR?

I picked this comment up off the Eng-Tips forum:

solid7 (Mechanical) 9 May 06 14:30
You should be talking to your VAR, not trying to contact Dassault Support in this matter. You should be able to furnish the VAR with your new machine ID, and they can provide you with temp licenses while your new permanent licenses are generated.

Your VAR cannot charge you for this information. This is the service that he/she is obligated to provide on your behalf. If that becomes an issue, file a complaint with IBM/Dassault, but NEVER try to deal with them directly, unless you ARE prepared to pay.

CAD design engineering services - Catia V4, Catia V5, and CAD Translation. Catia V5 resources - CATBlog.

3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
The problem has been solved.
Our direction decided to pay for support (about 600$) and the result is:
Your licenses files aren't the good ones as the targetId doesn't fit your Ethernet adapter's mac address, we are going to reach the license support to provide you with new licenses. We received new licenses and could enroll them without any problem.
Now it works but we paid for something we've already paid for. Too bad, too sad.
Our direction is allways telling that we've no money but in case of emergency they always know where to find some...

Thanks to all for your help. This problem has been the occasion to know this forum and we'll be back to speak about Catia's use.

Thanks again
Phil and all the lecorbusier's students
Why didn't your VAR help you?

I'm curious as to why your VAR didn't help you resolve this issue. Did you purchase your Catia seats from a VAR (Value-Added Reseller) or directly from DS/IBM?

We're glad it's resolved but at a cost to you.
I hope our efforts encouraged your director to purchase the support. A maintenance agreement is a must for any organization who can't afford any down time.

Glad we could help is some way.

3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
Search results of IBM site for "CLN-83" returned the following results:;lang=en&cc=us&en=utf&Search.x=32&Search.y=9

Registration required

1. LUM and VMware
Error message "CLN-83: Incorrect target in password" is received when importing CATIA licenses using the Basic License Tool from LUM 4.6.8 on a Windows system.

Quote (IBM):

Error message "CLN-83: Incorrect target in password" is received when importing CATIA licenses using the Basic License Tool from LUM 4.6.8 on a Windows system.

A win32 targetid has been used to compute the CATIA licenses, instead of the win32mac targetid that LUM requires in a Windows environment.

The LUM command i4target -v shows that a win32mac targetid cannot be obtained from this particular system, because this system has been configured using VMware (third party) software, which allows for virtualization of TCP/IP networks.

A win32mac targetid is derived from a permanent hardware source; this is not possible on a VMware virtual system, which makes use of a VMware PCI Ethernet Adapter.

A Windows system with VMware installed cannot be configured as a LUM license server on LUM 4.6.7 and higher. This is by design, for security reasons, because the targetid from a virtual machine is not unique.

A client machine running VMware should be able to acquire concurrent licenses that have been installed on a non-virtual LUM license server.

Here is an option that I have had to use in simular situations.

I have found that when you install CATIA licenses on a computer that references to the Target ID are stored in the Registry. When you install additonal network devices the Target ID utility records the first network device it sees in the registry for license confirmation. therefore this is what i had to do. Run "regedit" to enter the system registry and find the "I4DRIVER" file in directory "MyComputer/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/IBM/License Use Runtime". Select the file and delete it and exit the registry. Now you need to temperarily deactivate all the network devices besides the new target network device that you wish to set the Target ID to. Now you can run the Target ID utility which will recreate the I4DRIVER file with the proper Target ID information. Once this has been completed you can reactivate all your network devices and install your license files.

Good Luck,

Randall Brown

Thanks for your tip, next time I'll have to change my network adapter (this time I did it to upgrade from 100Mb/s to 1Gb/s) I'll do what you say.
Thanks again to all for your help. You're all nice gals and guys


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