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New member to the Velocity Series - NX CAM Express


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A new family member is added to the UGS Velocity Series!

NX CAM Express - An in-depth, standalone, highly flexible & CAD neutral NC proramming system, that provides machining solutions to completed design models.
Introduction to UGS Velocity Series suite of products.

Hallo all you :) CAD's,

Our resellers are to launch the new SE V19 with another product,
Sadly I can not attend the launch, but would like to know if it is worth to send someone.

Who can tell us quickly what this "NX CAM EXPRESS" is.
For that matter - what does 'cad/cam' mean? (for those who are to sceared to ask.)

Hi Buddy,

This may or may not sound new to you, but Solid Edge and NX CAM Express belongs to the same suite of products which is the Velocity Series. The Velocity Series of products include the following:

  1. Solid Edge (CAD)
  2. NX CAM Express (CAM)
  3. Femap (CAE)
  4. Teamcenter Express (PDM)

The complete suite of products (listed above) enables the full cycle of a digital product development. To explain in simple words, Solid Edge is the Computer Aided Design (CAD) solution for your 3D product design, NX CAM Express is the Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) solution for your workshop simulations and actual NC program outputs, Femap as a Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) solution to analyse your 3D designs for operatability & reliability and finally the Teamcenter Express as a Product Data Management (PDM) solution to manage the entire product development cycle from conceptual to product retirement. Hope all of you will have a better understanding now.

For NX CAM Express, it is a new standalone CAD neutral NC programming system taken from it's big brother Unigraphics NX CAM to complement the Velocity Series. Previously before the Velocity Series, because there is no integrated CAM solution in Solid Edge, users often look to NX CAM and other CAM competitors. Hence, to strengthen UGS presence in the mid-market, the Velocity Series suite of products was launched in 2004.


What a mouth-full.

What does the "Manufacturing" of CAM actually mean?
Is CAM software used to generate CNC code for machines?
In what file format do we need to store a SE part file in if I wish to use it in NX CAM EXPRESS?
What type of machines can you program with it - will our waterjet cutting machine do?
How many machine axis can it handle?


CAM basically mean to produce the CNC programs for your machines to cut your finished product out. You don't need to specifically save your 3D model to a different format. Solid Edge has direct interoperatability with NX CAM Express. FYI, NX CAM Express is a wholely UGS developed product; not a 3rd-party solution. Hence, no issues with reading Solid Edge or NX files directly. In fact, with Solid Edge, all needed is just to push a single button from SE and the current working model will be ported to NX CAM Express environment instantly.

NX CAM Express is available in 4 packages:
  1. 2 1/2 Axis Machining (for prismatic parts such as machinery components)
  2. 3 Axis Machining (for fixed axis milling, ideal for mold and die machining)
  3. Mill-Turn Machining (for programming multi-function machines such as mill turn machines)
  4. Advanced Machining (a full NC programming solution including 5 axis machining)

Please also contact your reseller is you want to see a demo on NX CAM Express. It's a very impressive demo acomplished together with Solid Edge! I've done it myself once. :D

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Bright spark Andrew,

You are going to rub my face into this reseller thing aren't you.
If I want to see a demo, I need to attend the product launch somewhere in first week October.

Me and the reseller is still not on the same page.
Their MD has promised me things (per phone) and has not delivered - again!
Yet they are the best is town and great people to know. Just too busy?!

I can not be there - so I will miss it.
So it will still be me bugging my buddy with more questions later on. :)

I have nothing to add, but to say I read everything you guys talk about.

I am like a dog eating a steak.

Gulp. thanks. Next.

Thanks JK,

It is good to even have this feedback.
Wonder when others will follow suit in the same matter.
It would be nice to know for whom it is usefull for.
Without feedback guys like Andrew and I loose intrest quickly.

PS: do not froget the salt with that steak!? :)


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