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to acces helpfile



hi all, am new in solid edge,,,,wh i try to acces the tutorials and helpfiles in it,,,a message was displayed,, cannot open,no translators are found,wt is the problemm ,,can anyone help me??thanks ,,
Hi Ron,

Running the help files and tutorials do not have anything to do with translators.
Which version of SE are you running?
Did you access from Help > Solid Edge Help or Tutorials?

Otherwise, try reinstalling your Solid Edge?

tahnks for ur attention, am using solidedge 17,,i cant acces it from help also....itry it many time by reinstalling,,,,my doubt is there any extra utility is required?
Did you try to apply the latest Solid Edge update to your v17? The latest update for SEv17 is Update14. Anyway, what's the exact error message? Maybe i can help to get a resolution with it.

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