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Where can one find symbols for SE 2D?


William B

:) greetings,

It is great that UGS has released the SE V19's 2D as a free trial version.
The most powerfull functionality for most of us, is the easy use of pre-drawn symbols and the easy way they are inter-connected.
This can be easily used to do simple electrical/control-system drawings with.

Can someone please suggest a good source to get symbols from,
for those of us that do not have a library of AutoCad symbols yet..

Look in SE intallation folder


A bank of symbol should be available into the installation folder under

C:\Program Files\Solid Edge V18\Schematic Blocks
Dear "Forum",

Thanks for your answer.
Is there another source for blocks though?

Blocks list

How can i do a list of blocks in a dft file?
I want to create a pneumatic diagram with blocks.
I use SE v.20 sp15.
Thanks for replies.

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